
doodles in notes...

We all do it. We all sit in class or in meetings, and no matter how interesting it is, sometimes your pen just takes control. My doodles mostly take the shape of swirls or trees, but today I was drawing fruit and it totally made my conscious of what I was doing. Doodles are like window into somebody's soul. Here's what's been going on in mine:

I made this one dark and artsy looking, but I did it while on a long and boring call... Ended up kind of liking it and it inspired me to do a larger one while I was at home... I think it's the inspirtion of the first painting I'm planning on doing in 5 years...

This is an abstract version of what I saw out of my boss's window...

Typical swirls to take up space...

This is the same kind of doodles I do on my FriendlyBrown packaging... Gotta practice sometime!

Swirls in the meetings apparantly...

Mustve been around Chritmas time... I think I was confused at the time, hence the ?

More stupid swirls...

And lastly, the inspiration of this post...

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