
Lark Tavern :(

I'm totally stealing the title of this post from Matt over at the Daily Puppy, because to be honest with you, there's no other way to put it. Center square suffered a huge loss last week when the Lark Tavern was destroyed by a major fire. I can not tell you how many amazing times I've had there. LT was actually the first bar I went to in Albany, and it was love at first sight. Good beers on tap, live music, open mic comedy, great bar food- all within walking distance of my apartment.  It was the only good place on the block that regularly had live music- one of my favorite things.  It was too good to be true!

Lark Tavern, you will be missed! I can't wait for the grand re-opening. In the meantime, there's going to be a benefit on the 22nd that everyone should go to- it's only 10 bucks! 

I'm trying to find some good pictures to post from LT, but to be honest with you, I can't find many.  Guess that's because I'm always having WAY too good of a time to be taking pictures.  Plus- it's always dark in there, and my camera usually doesn't cooperate.  So here's a photo from St. Patty's day, after too many car bombs.  Can anybody tell me who this is, I can't remember.  Here's to you, LT, we'll be seeing you soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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